Plant Parenthood

Plant Parenthood is an application developed to help those who struggle to take care of their houseplants. This was designed for a class project with a primary focus on local variables and conditional logic..


UX Designer


Class Project


4 Weeks

This project was completed in a Prototyping 2 class when conditional logic and local variable were added to the Figma beta. The purpose of this project was to explore the new possibilities with this addition. My idea was to create a simple checklist with toggleable buttons that indicated how many of the daily tasks had been completed. Once understanding that concept I incorporated the ability to add or remove plants, that would then auto populate the checklist on the home page. This sparked my interest in conditional logic and led to the more heavier implementations into future projects.

This project was completed in a Prototyping 2 class when conditional logic and local variable were added to the Figma beta. The purpose of this project was to explore the new possibilities with this addition. My idea was to create a simple checklist with toggleable buttons that indicated how many of the daily tasks had been completed. Once understanding that concept I incorporated the ability to add or remove plants, that would then auto populate the checklist on the home page. This sparked my interest in conditional logic and led to the more heavier implementations into future projects.

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